#Maine #Winterstorm / #Icestorm Checklist:
- Woodstove cleaned and ready to go.
- Wood hauled out of storage and moved into the house.
- Battery packs fully charged.
- Water jugs filled up.
- Canned goods restocked.
- Safepaw ice melt and sand ready to go.
- Dug up battery operated fans (which helps to circulate hot air from the woodstove -- I do have an EcoFan that's pretty good at moving the air around. Meant to get another one. Put that on the 'shopping list'.)
- Grocery shopping.
- Charge up rechargeable batteries, laptops and phones [Still to do]
And yes, camp toilet and coolers are nearby and ready to use. And no, we don't have a generator (but our neighbors do. They offered to lend us one last year, but we managed to make do without one).
Shopping was hellish, but folks were in good humor at least. Again, it sounded like a TB ward, and very few masks. A little girl asked her mother, "Mommy. Why is that lady wearing a mask?" And I answered, "Because I don't want to get sick, and I don't want to make you or your mommy sick!" Leave it to #Doomsday to tell it like it is.
Everything is charged up, and new carbon monoxide detector has been installed. We're as ready as we can be.
#Preparedness #WinterStorm #Maine
@DoomsdaysCW how much are you expecting? We’re supposed to get 18” in the NEK
@cthon1c We're supposed to get anywhere from 4-8 inches of snow. I'm more concerned about the possibility of ice, but that seems to be more along the coast rather than inland. I will have to get out and do some roof-raking, so taking it easy today.
@DoomsdaysCW yeah the mix is harder to manage. Good luck hunkering down for it!
@cthon1c Yeah, last year, the ice caused a big pine tree to fall on wires near a transformer. It took them days to rewire and reconnect everything. We usually don't lose power very long, since we're on the same line as a fire station, which is usually a priority.