#Maine #Winterstorm / #Icestorm Checklist:
- Woodstove cleaned and ready to go.
- Wood hauled out of storage and moved into the house.
- Battery packs fully charged.
- Water jugs filled up.
- Canned goods restocked.
- Safepaw ice melt and sand ready to go.
- Dug up battery operated fans (which helps to circulate hot air from the woodstove -- I do have an EcoFan that's pretty good at moving the air around. Meant to get another one. Put that on the 'shopping list'.)
- Grocery shopping.
- Charge up rechargeable batteries, laptops and phones [Still to do]
And yes, camp toilet and coolers are nearby and ready to use. And no, we don't have a generator (but our neighbors do. They offered to lend us one last year, but we managed to make do without one).