#Maine #Winterstorm / #Icestorm Checklist:
- Woodstove cleaned and ready to go.
- Wood hauled out of storage and moved into the house.
- Battery packs fully charged.
- Water jugs filled up.
- Canned goods restocked.
- Safepaw ice melt and sand ready to go.
- Dug up battery operated fans (which helps to circulate hot air from the woodstove -- I do have an EcoFan that's pretty good at moving the air around. Meant to get another one. Put that on the 'shopping list'.)
- Grocery shopping.
- Charge up rechargeable batteries, laptops and phones [Still to do]
Everything is charged up, and new carbon monoxide detector has been installed. We're as ready as we can be.
#Preparedness #WinterStorm #Maine
@DoomsdaysCW how much are you expecting? We’re supposed to get 18” in the NEK
@cthon1c We're supposed to get anywhere from 4-8 inches of snow. I'm more concerned about the possibility of ice, but that seems to be more along the coast rather than inland. I will have to get out and do some roof-raking, so taking it easy today.
@DoomsdaysCW yeah the mix is harder to manage. Good luck hunkering down for it!
@cthon1c Yeah, last year, the ice caused a big pine tree to fall on wires near a transformer. It took them days to rewire and reconnect everything. We usually don't lose power very long, since we're on the same line as a fire station, which is usually a priority.