Exponential #Landfill Expansion Proposal Must Take Into Account #EnvironmentalJustice
by Josh Woodbury July 25, 2024
“The #PenobscotNation continues to have grave concerns about the management of the #JuniperRidgeLandfill which has had a negative impact on our lands, waters, and people. The practices employed at the site over the years have added to the harmful #contamination of our sacred homeland, the #PenobscotRiver. The health and well being of our citizens is directly linked to the health and well being of the river. Due to industrial and waste management #pollutants such as forever chemicals, #PFAS, affecting the river we have not been able to continue our cultural value of being a sustenance fishing people because the fish in the river are not healthy enough for us to consume more than small amounts. This disruption is not just about a food source, it is about the connection to our ancestors and very ways of being suffering due to the oppressive nature of profit over people and the ethos of environmental injustice that places marginalized communities in harm’s way. The expansion of Juniper Ridge under #Casella perpetuates harms against the Penobscot Nation, who are the original stewards of these lands and waters dating back over 10,000 years. Coupled with the questionable nature of if this initiative is in line with state statutes, there is no reason to think favorably of it. We add our voice to the assertion that there is no public benefit to this expansion, quite the opposite.” - Penobscot Nation Ambassador #MaulianBryant, July 16, 2024.
"#CasellaWasteSystems has applied for an expansion of the Juniper Ridge Landfill that could more than double its size. Under law, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection [#MDEP] must determine whether an expansion has 'public benefit.' They also must consider Environmental Justice when looking at the industrial facility’s impact on surrounding communities, including the Penobscot Nation. The #DEP will make a decision by August 23rd. Public comments are currently being accepted.
"After a hard fought push back from area residents, including members of the Penobscot Nation, the DEP is now required to consider 'Environmental Justice' when making a determination about whether a landfill expansion meets the '#PublicBenefit' criteria. The DEP will decide if the criteria is met [in August]."
#WabanakiConfederacy #Wabanaki #IndigenousNews
#DefendTheSacred #DefendMotherEarth #WaterIsLife #EnvironmentalRacism