We're excited to announce our virtual workshop program!
We received so many amazing workshop proposals that we couldn't fit everyone in during the book fair... so join us this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Nov. 8-10 for workshops on direct action, autonomy, resistance, food, queerness, health, and more.
Virtual workshops will be held via Jitsi Meet at http://tinyurl.com/bosabf
Boston Anarchist Bookfair's VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS
Our WEDNESDAY Virtual Program
All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Lessons From Direct Action Occupations of the Early 2010s with Red - 5:30pm-7pm
Full workshop summaries and presenter bios: https://bostonanarchistbookfair.org/2023-boston-anarchist-bookfair/
Stream it live: http://tinyurl.com/bosabf
Boston Anarchist Bookfair's VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS
Our THURSDAY Virtual Program:
Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World with Colectivo Relámpago - 3:45-4:45pm
Queer Voices in Appalachia with Zane McNeill - 5-6pm
Pandemic Anarchism: What We Owe Each Other with Boston COVID Action
- 6:15-7:45pm
Boston Anarchist Bookfair's VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS
Our FRIDAY Virtual Program:
Stories of Food Protest; and Mutual Aid with Nourishing Resistance - 4-5:30pm
What Is Health Autonomy? with Ashlie Taylor - 5:45-7:15pm
Workshop descriptions and presenter bios: https://bostonanarchistbookfair.org/2023-boston-anarchist-bookfair/
Stream the workshops: