NASA Webb Wows With Incredible Detail in Actively Forming Star System
NASA Webb Wows With Incredible Detail in Actively Forming Star System
Presidents Trump and Musk determined to drastically reduce the scope of anything potentially redeeming about the United States of America.
Presidents Trump and Musk determined to drastically reduce the scope of anything potentially redeeming about the United States of America.
Cada vez que leo cosas de estas me voy emocionando
La frase "se ha autorizado el uso del telescopio espacial James Webb con fines de defensa planetaria" me hace cosquillas en la parte del cerebro que ama la scifi
**Sagitario A*: El agujero negro de la Vía Láctea en plena fiesta cósmica**
El corazón de nuestra galaxia está más activo que nunca, lanzando llamaradas impredecibles y espectaculares.
Gracias al telescopio James Webb, los astrónomos han captado este increíble fenómeno en detalle.
¡No te lo pierdas!
Compare with James Webb's Deep Field:
The James Webb Space Telescope's image of the Leo P dwarf galaxy.
via theofficialastronomy101
I want to start a hashtag. #BestGiftThisYear.
It doesn't have to be for Christmas or anything physical, just something you received this year.
Mine was the joy a sofa surfer took in the #JamesWebb telescope. He was an Iranian refugee. He stayed at mine briefly after the Home Office evicted him.
I'd been a bit sniffy about the cost of this giant toy. He is a journalist by trade, but had such wonder at the images of all the galaxies. It melted my cynicism and also made me realise that people are as complicated as the heavens.