Today is the Washington State IT Industry Forum. Bill Kehoe, WA State CIO, delivered the keynote address.
(Paraphrased and summarized):
"Sure the economy is tough and State budgets are lean. Nevertheless, the State and Industry need to work together, communicate, assess, adapt, and keep moving forward."
It's almost Spring! Get ahead of your IT Maintenance and learn more from Koko.
Tip of the week: Just like I always have an escape route, your business should have a tested disaster recovery and business continuity plan.
Undergraduate Disproves 40-Year-Old Conjecture, Invents New Kind of Hash Table
A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. #ComputerScience #CIS #InformationTechnology
Mozilla warns of their own root certificate authority expiration this Friday. Recommends updating to Firefox ESR 115 or Firefox 128.
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Mozilla met en garde contre l'expiration de leur propre autorité de certification racine ce vendredi. Conseille la mise à jour vers Firefox ESR 115 ou Firefox 128.
// Article en anglais //
What better way to start your Tuesday than with tips from Koko!
Tip of the Week: Limit access to sensitive data and systems. Only grant permissions to those who truly need them.
10 Best IT Systems Management Tools – 2025 https://cybersecuritynews.com/systems-management-tools/ #informationtechnology #systemmanagementtools #CyberSecurity #Technology #Top10 #tech
A novel about #InformationTechnology, by #StephenKing
It's Tuesday! That means more tips with Koko!
Tip of the Week: Update your operating systems, apps, and security software regularly. It’s like reinforcing your fortress!
1973 #Poland : Warsaw Center for Electronic Computing Technology
Signature : 3/40/0/10/111
Old signature: 40-X-111-14
Archive : National Digital Archive
Group: Grażyna Rutowska Archive
Publications: "Dziennik Ludowy" - Sunday edition - 23.09.1973
Description : Situational photographs.
Upload: Sikorski Arkadiusz htTPS://arQ.PL
Licence: Public Domain
#it #girlsit #itgirls #poland #computing #tape #oldtech #europa #informationtechnology #womens #computers #history #ithistory #memorex #imm #tape #DigitalData #datatapes #rack #racks
Microsoft says “code change” for yesterday’s Microsoft 365 disruption.
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Microsoft dit qu’un « changement de code » est responsable pour la panne Microsoft 365 d’hier.
// Article en anglais //
Due to its strict hierarchical culture and discipline, no Indian CXO will listen to his developers, thus keeping our IT productivity insanely low.
How @troyhunt processed 23 billion rows of stealer logs.
The techy bits are quite interesting.
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Comment @troyhunt a traité 23 milliards de rangées de journaux de voliciels.
Les morceaux techniques sont vraiment intéressants.
// Publication en anglais //
Is February almost over already?
Tip of the Week: Use long, complex passwords and never reuse them. A password manager can help keep them secure.