Tell your Representative to Vote NO on #HR9495 to Stop Trump From Attacking #Dissenting Organizations
"Despite the fact that it was already defeated in a floor vote, Republicans in the House have a second chance to pass a bill that would give the incoming #Trump administration unchecked power to shut down any #NonProfit organization that stands in the way of his MAGA agenda.
"Under this legislation, Trump’s Treasury Department could indiscriminately label any non-profit organization – think tanks, #HumanRights groups, #CivilLiberties orgs, #universities, #StudentGroups, even Indivisible Civics – a 'terrorist supporting organization' and strip it of its tax-exempt status. This bill requires no oversight. No due-process. No justification. Trump could use it to shut down any and all #dissent against him.
"This bill is a litmus test for #Democrats as we prepare for the incoming Trump administration: are Democrats going to make it easier for Trump to pursue his #authoritarian agenda or are they going to fight back?
"And we’ll need more Democrats on our side for this second vote – unlike the first, failed vote, which required a 2/3s majority to pass under a suspension of the rules, this vote will require only a simple majority to pass. And 52 Democrats inexplicably voted for this bill last time - that’s not acceptable. (See how your MoC voted at the link below)
"This time, we need all Democrats in the House to vote NO on H.R. 9495 and send a clear message to Trump that they will not just give in to his power grabs. If this bill passes with bipartisan support, there’s a real risk it gets folded into the annual #Defense [#NDAA] bill, which would put it on a glide path through the Senate. We can’t let that happen."
See how your representative voted:
#StopHR9495 #USPolitics #SilencingDissent #FreePalestine
#StudentProtestors #FreeSpeech
#Clampdown #StopHR9495
#CharacteristicsOfFascism #Fascism
#Authoritarianism #ProjectEsther #Project2025