The #ThursdayFiveList theme is #SongsAboutFood. Just typing that makes me think of the Talking Heads album "More Songs About Buildings and Food." Followed by the thought of the Paul Simon song I was referencing yesterday (?) that was about chow fun. But lets try to think of something else... (I'm not gonna overthink it, just go with whatever comes up.)
1. Sloop John B / Beach Boys
"The poor cook, he caught the fits
And threw away all my grits
And then he took and he ate up all of my corn"
There are so many great Bruno Mars lines... In fact, maybe I'll fill the rest of my list with Bruno...
2. That’s What I Like / Bruno Mars
"I'll rent a beach house in Miami (-ami)
Wake up with no jammies (Nope)
Lobster tail for dinner
Julio, serve that scampi (Julio!)"
3. Uptown Funk / Bruno Mars
"smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy"
4. Skate / Bruno Mars
"You smell better than a barbecue"
5. And it just killed me to learn that one of my favorite lines is actually a case of misheard lyrics. I'm not the only one; there's a whole episode of a podcast dedicated to this misheard lyric!
Leave The Door Open / Bruno Mars, Anderson Paak & Silk Sonic
"And if you're hungry, girl, I got fillets [NOT the Lays]"