Happy 100 Delta Air Liness.
A mosaic of Delta ephemera from my collection.
#DeltaAirLines #Ephemera #DeltaAirlines100 #Aviation #Avgeek #Airplanes #NorthwestAirlines #NortheastAirlines #WesternAirlines #BonanzaAirlines #SouthernAirlines #NorthCentral
#BreakingNews from 1 March 1815: #Napoleon, having escaped from Elba on 26 February aboard the “Inconstant,” lands in France:
Before we had #SocialMedia, we had #print #ephemera such as this news flyer. Few survive. This one shows heavy use;perhaps from a devotee of the Emperor
Serious haul from the Carla charity shop in Floridsdorf:
Robotron - this is the choir of East Germany's largest electronics manufacturer back in the day.
Audio-Camera 1 - more sound effects for slideshows.
Herb Alpert - Wild Romance - can't go far wrong with a bit of Herb.
Didier Lockwood - The Kid - seriously intrigued by this one.
Leviathan luggage tag, New York, ca. 1930.
With a crew of over 1,000, the Leviathan was one of the largest passenger ships crossing the Atlantic during its main run between 1922 and 1934.
In 2023 we announced that the Richard Sheaff Ephemera Collection had found a home at Letterform Archive: https://letterformarchive.org/news/richard-sheaff-vintage-ephemera/?utm_source=Mastodon. We continue to process over 26,000 trade cards, labels, tickets, and other ephemera.
#RichardEphemeraCollection #Ephemera #LuggageTag #UnitedStatesLinesLeviathan #ArtDeco
Happy belated President's Day from this Deregulation Knockout- Presidential Airways.
#PresidentialAirways #Aviation #Avgeek #Postcards #Airplanes #Planes #B737 #BAe146 #BAeJetstream #Ephemera #DeregulationKnockout
Tickets for “A Century of Progress: International Exposition Chicago”, 1933.
For those who could afford it, the Chicago World’s Fair offered an optimistic escape from the Great Depression. Even the tickets were printed in cheery colors.
In 2023 the Richard Sheaff Ephemera Collection found a home at the Archive: https://letterformarchive.org/news/richard-sheaff-vintage-ephemera/?utm_source=Mastodon. Processing continues of over 26,000 trade cards, labels, tickets, and other ephemera.
Trautmann, Bailey, and Blampey (lithographers), trade card for Bortree Manufacturing Co., NY, ca. 1880.
In 2023 we announced that the Richard Sheaff Ephemera Collection had found a home at Letterform Archive: https://letterformarchive.org/news/richard-sheaff-vintage-ephemera/?utm_source=Mastodon The work to process over 26,000 trade cards, visiting cards, labels, tickets, and other ephemera is ongoing. Here’s another peek.
1966 Mt. Washington New Hampshire Postcard
#NewHampshire #MountWashington #Postcard #MtWashington #Snow #Ephemera #travel
Shrine of Democracy South Dakota Black Hills Mt Rushmore Postcard
#Postcard #PresidentsDay #MtRushmore #MountRushmore #ephemera #SouthDakota
Happy President's Day with out any...
Pre-Sculpture postcard - The Needles and Mt. Rushmore from Mt. Coolidge Postcard
#Postcard #MtRushmore #MountRushmore #SouthDakota #OldPostcard #Travel #Postcards #Ephemera
Happy President's Day - SAM 28000 (Air Force One) Postcard
#Airforceone #Postcard #MountRushmore #mtRushmore #PresidentsDay #Aviation #Avgeek #Airplanes #B747 #Planes #Ephemera
Happy President's Day.
1993 Mt Rushmore Postcard
#PresidentsDay #MountRushmore #MtRushmore #Humor #Postcard #Ephemera
1908 Peep O' Day Bright Smiling And Gay for all in Kansas City Missouri MO Postcard
#Postcard #OldPostcards #gay #KansasCity #Ephemera
Greeting from Lanscaster, New Hampshire Postcard
#Lanscaster #NewHampshire #Postcard #ephemera #oldpostcards #Snow #Ephemera