Message to the "House of Mica"
The Hopi had prophesied that the world leaders would gather in a Great House of Mica to try and find peaceful solutions to world problems.
In 1948, Hopi elders ranging in ages from 80 to 100, tried to bring their message to the newly formed United Nations, but were unsuccessful. They had seen the "#GourdOfAshes" (#AtomicBombs) many years ago, and knew that it was time to bring their message to the world. #ThomasBanyacya of the Wolf, Fox and Coyote clan, was one of four messengers chosen by the Elders, and in 1992 he finally succeeded.
In his 1992 address to the United Nations, Banyacya predicted increasing #floods, stronger #hurricanes, #ClimateChanges and #earthquakes, which are warning signs from the Creator for us to wake up spiritually.
He spoke of a possible third world war, which some Hopi believe almost began with the Persian Gulf War, something that is looming on the horizon yet again. They say this is a time for all to choose peace.
Banyacya also brought up the sanctity of the #FourCorners area, and said it had "a special purpose in the future in order for humankind to survive."
Another part of the Hopi message spoke of the importance of conducting ceremonies to prevent terrible earth changes. Singing, dancing and fasting are all part of the necessary work to help heal Mother Earth. Banyacya spoke of conducting ceremonies in each of the four directions -- something Chief #ArvolLookinghorse has been doing for the last three years with the #WorldPeaceAndPrayerDay ceremonies.
Last year, Banyacya spoke with some #PeruvianElders who wanted to share their prophecies that soon all indigenous people would come together as one nation.
Unfortunately, he will not see this dream realized in this lifetime, as he passed away this past February at the age of 89.
Another elder involved in the United Nations message was #DanKachenogva, the Chief of the Sun Clan who passed away in 1972. He was one of a six-man delegation which planned to travel to the United Nations in 1959 to try and deliver their message of prophecy. Their mission was cut short when a crisis erupted in the Hopi motherland because of the betrayal of Indian-U.S. land treaties.
Two years before he died, he gave a public talk regarding the prophecies. Regarding the third and decisive event of the prophecy he stated, "This [third] event will depend upon the Red Symbol, which will take command, setting the four forces of nature (Meha) in motion for the benefit of the Sun. We know certain people are commissioned to bring about the #Purification. It is the universal Plan from the beginning of creation, and we are looking up to them to bring purification to us. It is in the rock writings throughout the world, on different continents. We will come together if people all over the world know about it. So we urge you to spread this word around so people will know about it, and the appointed ones will hurry up with their task..." (from "The Return of Pahana: a Hopi Myth," by Robert Boissiere, Bear & Co., 1990.)
#HopiProphecy #Koyaaniqatsi #NoUraniumMining #NuclearWeapons #ProphecyRock #ClimateChange