@IE_anarchistbookfair hey hey! thanks for sharing this!
i'm just popping in to—comradely—give you a heads up / share a tip which coincidentally is *also* about surveillance…
the link in your bio includes Facebook / Meta trackers
when links look like this…
https ://allmylinks.com/ieabf ?fbclid=PAZXh0buuFg06a7BMTEAAaZ130CNBZ_WyoCDUtdBYt4rFuA88SyLMx621iBoZ19tdlVOut55pF0D-I8_aen_PIc56v32WEt2LpByoh6TPw
…we can 86 everything after (and including) the question mark like this…
https ://allmylinks.com/ieabf
…to protect ourselves from sharing trackers and inadvertently helping them build a social graph of us which LEAs leverage to build cases against us
(plus it just looks so much more slick now too heh)