New book on #Ukraine takes aim at #tankies #campists and #Kremlinsplainers
This marvelous anthology provides a breadth of analysis, calling for a just peace in Ukraine and solidarity with Ukrainians as they reclaim their sovereignty. Contrary to so-called "peace activists" who myopically fall for Putin's false rationalizations, these writers show that all who oppose authoritarian tyrants must call for the full withdrawal of Russian forces, solid security guarantees, restitution and accountability for the atrocities.
- Kent Jewell, Alumus, Left Bank Books Seattle, and the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament
This book provides a different perspective than both the authoritarian left and the liberals. Writing from a perspective in pursuit of working class unity that transcends national boundaries and supports the liberation of the exploited. A must-read for those who want to understand Russian's invasion of Ukraine from the view point of genuine anti-imperialism.
-Hein Htet Kyaw, IWW Member
Also reviewed on Goodreads
"analysing how a large segment of the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement has completely lost its way and needs to undergo a radical transformation. The authors clearly demonstrate how notable voices in progressive movements have consistently - and shamefully - failed the people in the uprisings and revolutions of the Arab Spring, and "
- Mary Rizzo, translator and editor