#Palestine-Israel / Israel abandons diaspora Jews' fight against real antisemitism to join forces with Europes’s antisemitic and islamophobic far right
Israel’s Diaspora Affairs Ministry (Amichai Chikli) is inviting representatives from parties with histories of #antisemitism and current Islamophobic positions to a conference specifically about combating antisemitism, titled The International Conference on Combating Antisemitism, further undermining the credibility of frameworks like the #IHRA definition.
Shared Islamophobia is becoming a unifying factor between Israel's government and European far-right movements, previously rejected by Jewish communities as antisemitic or Neo-Nazi.
Jordan #Bardella leads France's anti-Muslim National Rally, founded by #holocaust denier Jean-Marie Le Pen's; Hermann Tertsch comes from Spain's #Vox party, known for inflammatory anti-immigration rhetoric; Charlie Weimers represents #Sweden Democrats with its neo-Nazi origins; Marion Maréchal, Le Pen's granddaughter, has aligned with extreme right movements; and Kinga Gál represents Hungary's #Fidesz party, criticized for antisemitic dog whistles in campaigns against George Soros while promoting strong anti-Muslim policies.
https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2025-03-13/ty-article/.premium/far-right-french-politician-is-israels-pick-to-address-combating-antisemitism-conference/00000195-8ff6-d4b6-a7dd-bfff4e600000 or https://archive.is/VNXK0
[cont’d] European representatives boycotting the anti-antisemitism conference
Three European representatives have announced they will boycott an official anti-antisemitism conference in Israel because far-right figures were invited to participate.
They are french philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, who was supposed to deliver the keynote speech. Felix Klein, the German government commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against #antisemitism. Volker Beck, former German parliament member and president of the German-Israel Friendship Association
Both poster child for the Gaza genocide #Herzog and wanted war criminal #Netanyahu are expected to attend. One would think this should be enough to boycott the event, but apparently the bar was already set very low.
Hebrew https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2025-03-15/ty-article/.premium/00000195-98b0-d885-a39f-bbb1affd0000 or https://archive.is/dBEdi
[cont’d] Minister Chikli defends inviting anti-Semites and Neo-nazis to his anti-Antisemitism conference
[…] The State of Israel has wisely formalized its relations with several European right-wing parties, including the French National Union and the Spanish #Vox party. This is in light of their continued support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel following the events of October 7.
Hebrew https://www.ynet.co.il/judaism/article/yokra14296075
#holocaust #holocaustdenial #islamophobia
[cont'd] Quoting Ariel Muzicant (European Jewish Congress President): "The motivation of extreme right politicians to come to this conference is not the love for Israel or to protect the Jews, but mainly to get a kosher rabbi stamp,"
European Jewish Congress President Ariel Muzicant has strongly condemned Israeli "Diaspora Affairs" Minister Amichai Chikli for inviting far-right European politicians to an anti-#antisemitism conference, calling it "a stab in the back" to Jewish communities.
According to (right-wing) #JerusalemPost report, prominent Jewish leaders including UK Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis have withdrawn from the March 26-27 event over the inclusion of figures like Jordan #Bardella from #France's National Rally and representatives from parties with histories of antisemitism.
"The motivation of extreme right politicians to come to this conference is not the love for Israel or to protect the Jews, but mainly to get a kosher rabbi stamp," Muzicant wrote, warning that far-right movements often oppose values essential for Jewish survival in Europe.
According to (center-right) #Ynet, Muzicant stated that the four largest Jewish organizations in the world – #AJC, #EJC, #WJC, and #CER (the World, European, American Jewish organizations, and the Conference of European Rabbis) – will also boycott the conference.