#Germany #BDS #IHRA How did "a country where anti-Semitism was a political tool that contributed to the rise of the Nazis' murderous enterprise became a country that promotes distortion of anti-Semitism as a tool to facilitate the political persecution of a nonviolent movement that fights the occupation, the oppression of the Palestinians and the war crimes Israel perpetrates in the territories?"
That's a great question... Israel's reconciliation with Germany so quickly after the war seems inconceivable. The term “a different Germany” is instrumental in understanding the process, and it's implications in the context of the Israeli-Plaestinian unresolved conflict.
With Germany in the lead, the #USA and many other Western countries violently shut down the BDS - the most successful non-violent outlet for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians, leaving plenty of room for #Hamas and other militant Islamist organization to operate.
"[...] The desire to prove that the so-called different Germany had indeed arisen and was being built, stemmed from a desire by German immigrants living in Israel to reconnect with their homeland, which they had been forced to leave in the 1930s. Later, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer would adopt this term, which suited their shared political goals."
"[...] Almost all the members of the Bundestag – Social Democrats, Free Democrats and the Greens – voted recently in favor of a resolution that defines the #BDS movement as anti-Semitic. Following that sweeping decision, Germany has become a leading member of the coalition of “distorters of anti-Semitism.” Fellow members are leaders like Viktor Orban of Hungary, Matteo Salvini of Italy and Heinz-Christian Strache of Austria. All are lovers of Israel, serious racists and also, if necessary, anti-Semites."
English [2019, Daniel Baltman]: https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2019-07-03/ty-article-opinion/.premium/maybe-when-it-comes-to-anti-semitism-no-different-germany-exists/0000017f-ea8c-d0f7-a9ff-eecdd8420000
Related read: https://mastodon.social/@cmorris/111396674821551837
“[…] Germans whose Holocaust-guilt complexes cause them to fetishise Jewishness to the point of obsessive-compulsive embodiment.”