eating sweet potatoes and drinking spearmint tea
Sweet potatoes are soo good!
*switching on nerd mode*
Also, we are working here on a very interesting horticultural management system to improve soil health by applying wood residues (e.g. branches from tree pruning). The wood residues increase soil organic carbon and contain also some nutrients. Usually, people would advise against using wood residues as fertilizer (because they contain a lot of carbon, making the other nutrients such as nitrogen unavailable and not letting crops grow), but some farmers found a very nice solution:
They apply the wood chips and plant directly sweet potato. Sweet potato is a totally rad plant that has cool bacteria around their roots that fix nitrogen and grows perfectly in these soils. After some months, you can harvest a nice amount of sweet potatoes AND have a supernicely regenerated soil for other crops.
The inventor calls the technique "Carboniato" (boniato is sweet potato in spanish).
@earthworm impressive!!! just when i thought potatoes/sweet potatoes couldn't get any cooler. thank you so mucu for sharing this knowledge! are there any resources about it i can read up on? i'd love to learn more and share it with my peers :D
Of course!
Here's a short video by Olivier, one of the examples why farmers *never* should be underestimated.
(the machine-translated subtitles give at least a rough idea)
@earthworm this is awesome! thank you so much for this