So, like, how many of you out there have tried to grow your own food. Like all of your food. #Rice, #Wheat, #Soybeans, etc. I've tried and it's not EASY! Have you thought about what you would eat if grocery stores were closed? Foraging isn't easy either. And imagine if we were all foraging at the same time... Not pretty.
Scientists warn of crop failure ‘uncertainties’ as Earth heats up
Increasing concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is putting the planet in ‘uncharted waters’ as weather extremes intensify.
4 Jul 2023
"A new study has highlighted the possibility of major harvest failures caused by climate change in multiple global breadbaskets as the United Nations warned of a 'dystopian future' without immediate action."
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #HungerGames
@DoomsdaysCW #garden and #homesteading are two hashtags that’ll be interested in this.
I started really seriously reading up on this in 2020, and your best bet is to grow potatoes, dry beans, and winter squash as your main foods. Growing and processing grain is insanely hard without diesel power and grain is picky and vulnerable. Potatoes are a lot hardier in most climates, and they produce just absurd amounts of food per square foot.
Dairy goats are good for dairy folks - cows produce *a gallon a day* when they’re fresh. Goats are more manageable. Rabbits and chickens for protein.
@donkeyherder Dairy goats rule! And yes. I'm prepared to barter with friends with goats (I know how to make butter and cheese).