#book #recommendation:
Finally had time to finish *Road to Nowhere* by @parismarx, who also hosts the excellent #podcast #TechWontSaveUs today.
In me - somebody who hates living in a car-centric world more every year I am alive - the book is somewhat preaching to the choir, but it was still a very valuable read: For me, the best aspect was the historical examination of the history of how the car took over our cities. *None of this was automatic or natural* - and nor are current attempts by the tech industry to make cities even more impersonal and less human-friendly
Cities didn't use to be organised around cars or gig economy apps, and they don't have to be in the future, either.
Give this a read yourself, and gift it to those around you who have not yet been #transit -pilled.
#bookstodon #reading #carbrain #fuckcars