Hey noobies. Welcome to here and me. I'm glad to see you, you're looking well. I appreciate your eyeballs gracing my me, but you should know I know these truths to be self evident:
#bipoc lives matter.
#acab - even Columbo
#ImmigrantsWelcome Boders are a myth, no one is illegal.
#Trans rights are human rights
#DisabilitySolidarity should be a top priority, too often forgotten or glossed over.
#sexwork is work.
#abortion is healthcare and bodily autonomy is a human right.
#believesurvivors over their deniers.
Solidarity with #Rojava and #Chiapas, no their thing doesn't look exactly like the ideal organization in your book or head but they're making more progress than 99% of us. When we make our own stateless collective we can make it look however we want.
Law is a fiction fed to you to make you placidly accept the status quo, which enriches the rich at the expense of us all.
Et cetera. You can ask or even try to bother me about these truths and if I'm in the mood for amusement I may engage, same as you.