"Natalism" conference coming to Austin, TX, in a few weeks. Speakers include white nationalist Charles Cornish-Dale (aka Raw Egg Nationalist), race-"science" advocate Jordan Lasker (aka Cremieux), and tradwife and former contributor to a magazine run by the eugenicist Claremont Institute "Peachy Keenan". Kind of makes you wonder: natalism for whom?
@ThatWeltschmerz Usually, the poor, they can carry their own children so the engines of industry can continue to make profit with new bodies but also to carry those of their betters so those rich women aren't burdened with the complexities of growing and birthing a child.
Yeah, there’s undeniably a class element to all of this. But a lot of these folks are also preoccupied with ideas like “the Great Replacement” and the preservation of whiteness. So there’s a real drive to “encourage” white women to have more babies (with white men, of course). In that sense, they may not be so interested in natalism for poor folks, if/when those poor people have brown skin.