This is a pretty big catch in the US white nationalist scene.
Kai Liam Nix (22) is both a member of Patriot Front and the former admin of the Appalachian Archives (AA) channel on Telegram (later rebranded as "American Archives" before it shut down last spring).
AA was really active last year doxxing journalists, researchers, and anyone who was on the outs with the neo-nazi scene. It particularly blew up on Telegram through its collaboration with the Tennessee Active Club (TAC), a prominent, self-proclaimed "actual, literal Nazi," and a sleazy little recruiting crew calling itself Patriot Youth during last year's mayoral race in Franklin, Tennessee, just outside Nashville. (TAC was led at the time by Sean Kauffmann, who had to step down earlier this year after his most recent round of domestic violence charges).
You may recall that race due to candidate Gabrielle Hanson's open acceptance of support from local neo-nazi factions like these.
At any rate, that whole nazi circuit operating in Middle Tennessee was getting very aggressive for a while last year, though I haven't kept up more recently. And what's more disturbing is that Nix, the AA admin, is in the US Army, 82nd Airborne Division, stationed at Fort Liberty in North Carolina. According to this report, he has been charged with “illicit sales of firearms and lying on a background check," which is an indication of the actual danger a little shit like this poses.
Solid article here. Worth reading.
Edit: I had included [hashtag]Appalachia in this initially, but I took it out, because you know what? This dickhead isn't from Appalachia, the people he worked with in/around Nashville aren't in Appalachia, and really, none of this has anything to do with Appalachia except the name that this little cockwad saw fit to co-opt for his little stupid nazi club. So I'd like to apologize to the good, decent, and often misunderstood people of Appalachia for having taken the bait. Fascists really are nothing if not dishonest little opportunists, and, to paraphrase Mary McCarthy, everything they say is a lie, including "and" and "the". You literally can't take a word they say at face value.
#PatriotFront #ActiveClub #HateWatch #fascism #NeoNazis #fcknzs #Tennessee #82ndAirborne #GabrielleHanson #FranklinTennessee #NorthCarolina #PaulGancarz #USArmy #AppalachianArchives
Oof, Kai Liam Nix, aka "Patrick NC" of Patriot Front and the former admin of the neo-nazi Appalachian Archives channel on Telegram, has been kicked out of the US Army and is in jail for
On one hand, he lied on his security clearance application about being a member of a "group dedicated to the use of violence or force to overthrow the United States government" (namely Patriot Front), which does seem like sort of a bad look for a US soldier. That's what got him kicked out.
On the other hand, between late last year and early this year, he apparently sold two stolen firearms, which is why the jail time. The Army is saying that the weapons weren't stolen from them, which is just fascinating.
#PatriotFront #AppalachianArchives #USArmy #racism #violence #NeoNazis #fascism #fcknzs
Lastly(?), Nashville-based reporter Phil Williams, who became famous across the US during that wild mayoral race in Franklin, TN, last year, has published a report revisiting that campaign and, in particular, the threats that were made against Williams himself as well as other journalists. Worth a read for the first-person perspective of someone who was targeted by these creeps.
#PatriotFront #AppalachianArchives #GabrielleHanson #NeoNazis #fcknzs #fascism