Deleuze in his short essay “Post-script on the Societies of Control,” talked about the move away from the disciplinary society towards a control society, with the cage not as much being found in realms such as the hard power of architecture –the school is the factory is the prison– but within an amorphous system of abstract soft mechanisms attached to the individual-as-individual –such as social credit scores and competitive productivity– in which freedoms of movement and life are regulated, managed, advertised or restricted to encourage a specific ordering of society.
When we think of camps we think of Auschwitz, we think of Treblinka, we think of Vorkutlag, but these places were in many ways the crowning jewels of the disciplinary society –the school, the factory, the prison, the camp– and what is to say that the crowning jewels of the society of control are themselves not contained inside the very differences within its nature? Will the camp that we face present as an imposing architectural expression of domination, or more as an invisible imposition restricting our ability to live and breathe on our own terms?
Another fascinating thing about the analogous formations of disciplinary organisation is that they can be more than solely analogous, some prisons are also factories, some barracks are also schools, etc.
The camp is a totalising synthesis of its own analogies.
By this understanding we can expect the camp of the control society to be much the same, a coming-together of its constituent mechanisms being brought to bear against those perceived as challenging the current state of things.