#PortlandME - Another #ProtestOfOne (the 11am one had a few more folks I hear). I mostly received support, some raised fists and horns -- also "Traitor!" and some not nice things that I won't repeat. But I'm glad I was out there!
#FreeMahmoudKhalil #FreeMahmoud #resistance #ResistFascism #ResistTrump #MaineResists
Awesome you did this!
@DoNotPunchDown Thanks! I was hoping there would be a few more folks -- there was supposed to be a weekly standout at 1pm. I was 10 minutes late, but I can't imagine anyone was there and then left after 10 minutes -- but maybe. Oh well...
Next week there will be more people there, I'm sure. But you made a difference. No doubt in my mind
People shout rude shit at me all the time when protesting.
I've started just shouting back, "I love you anyway" or "God still loves you." It counters their rage with positivity, and confuses them.
You can also do this to counter road rage. A happy smile and wave with a call of "Happy Motoring!" confuses most.
@ideogram @TanekRune That makes me think of the Waterboys' song, "Somebody Might Wave Back."
@DoomsdaysCW Courageous and principled. You’re an excellent example.
@Tattered Oh geesh. I was just reacting to injustice. Someone has to speak up.
Good work! I was happy to see a group of 7 on a busy corner in my little town when I headed out to shop. Then by the time I drove home and passed the same corner it was probably 60! Honked both times!
@DoomsdaysCW @LRRRonEarth They’re the traitors. Perfectly happy to throw out democratic principles as long as they can worship the god-emperor they choose. They sicken me.