A good article... However, unless you know for sure your compost pile is reaching ideal temperatures [140 - 160 F], I would sterilize eggshells before composting them [200 F oven for 30 minutes].
#Gardener shares step-by-step method for #composting in even the smallest space: 'The tutorial we all needed'
"The more we all do our part at home, the better off the environment."
by Jennifer KodrosFebruary 9, 2025
The scoop
"An organization and #DIY design pro shows how easy composting can be, no matter what size space you're living in. 'You can #compost even if you live in a small apartment,' Shavonne (@restyleliving) promises at the beginning of her video.
"Shavonne goes step by step through the process. First thing: You have to start saving food scraps. You can keep them in a bin under your sink or, if you're concerned about the smell, you can always freeze them.
"Grab an inexpensive bin from the store. Bonus points if you can find one from Goodwill or another secondhand shop. Next, take a drill and create holes about 4 inches apart all over the body and lid of the bin for oxygen. Hot tip — make sure it's not too close to the bottom so that water can't leak out.
"Now you're ready to fill it up.
"'Alternate between layers of brown and greens,' Shavonne advises. 'Browns are your carbons, which are leaves or paper products. Greens are your nitrogen or food products.'
"Anything you can eat can be composted, along with eggshells, paper products, and coffee grounds. You can put the bin in your garage or on your porch.
"Shavonne says the fertilizer will be ready in three to six months, although worms can help break everything down faster.
"Warning: Gnats and fruit flies will appear, so make sure you put your bin somewhere that won't become a problem." [One could also have fruit fly traps nearby -- which is what I do]
Link to video:
#SolarPunkSunday #Composting #ApartmentLiving #Compost #Gardening #UrbanGardening