How to set up a #MutualAid #NeighborhoodGroup: A resource list
by Mark, March 29, 2020
"It is amazing to see the amount of action happening across New York City, around the United States, and globally on setting up local support groups so neighbors can support each other through COVID-19.
Groups might be:
- building or street-level groups
- neighborhood groups
- boroughs-level networks (made up of neighborhood groups)
- existing community groups that want to offer mutual aid services to their constituents and members.
"The following resources are compiled from around the country and can be used to:
- help groups set up,
- use tech, tools and templates to manage groups
- connect with best practices from other mutual aid groups.
"Please note, we haven’t fully vetted all of these resources. We know groups are looking for resources to help set up and run groups, so we have compiled this list of resources we know of. We hope to provide more specific #MutualAidNYC resources in the future, and will post them to this blog as they are developed, but in the meantime, we hope some of these are useful."
#SolarPunkSunday #BuildingCommunity #MutualAid #Resiliency #Resistance #Organizing