[Thread] So grateful to the @internetarchive ! They have a web capture of my #HopiProphecy article that I wrote in 1999 (but without the graphics). In the article, the blame is firmly aimed at #PeabodyCoal, #UraniumMining, #BigOilAndGas and #TwoHeartedPeople (selfish people) for destruction of #MotherEarth and the bringing about of #PurificationDay. I will be posting excerpts from the article (with the missing graphics), along with commentary, in this thread.
The archived version can be found at the link below:
From the #BigMountainResistance page at #WhatMagazineOnline
#Hopi Prophecies
by Morgan Cathbadh (my pen-name)
(previously published in the April, 1999 issue of Maine Well-Being newspaper, and EarthStar Magazine)
#HopiProphecy predates the coming of white people. In fact, the coming of Pahana (whites) is part of the prophecy, the beginning of #Koyaaniqatsi, meaning "crazy life," "life in turmoil," or "life out of balance." Koyanniqatsi is a state of life that calls for another way of living. That is what we all must do to survive.
- Hopi History
- Four Corners Area Crucial
- Division Amongst the Hopi
- Message to the House of Mica
- Prophecy Rock
- Hopi Prayer for Peace
[So, there are references to Atlantis in this piece. When I asked a Hopi friend about this, he told me that "Atlantis" is being used as a stand-in for previous eras where people became two-hearted and selfish -- and were destroyed because they failed to respect Mother Earth...]
Hopi History
The word "Hopi" means "peaceful people". They did not resist strongly against the Pahana (Whites) in the "Indian Wars," and many of the Hopi have been jailed for draft resistance. They number less than 10,000 and live in the Four Corners area, which is where the borders of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah meet, 100 miles from the Grand Canyon and the Painted Desert.
According to carbon-dated prehistoric rock drawings, Hopi culture dates back 22,000 years. Their oral history deals with even older times, describing three other worlds prior to the present one, which is the fourth world. In the first world, humans turned away from spiritual principles and misused their powers for selfish purposes. This world was destroyed by major earthquakes, and only a handful of people survived.
The people of the second world repeated the same mistakes again, and the world was destroyed by freezing (the Ice Age).
The third world lasted a long time, and was the time of the Atlanteans, whose destruction was brought about by those Atlanteans who had become "two-hearted people." A two-hearted person is someone who listens only to their right side, considered by the Hopi to be evil because it is clever but lacks conscience. The left side, though awkward, is wise, and is predominant in a "one-hearted person."
Among the survivors of Atlantis was a great chief who had two sons. When the chief had passed on, the younger son went west to a new land, while the elder one traveled east where he was to remain unless the younger brother's way of life was threatened.
The descendants of Younger Brother, the Hopi, made a covenant with the Great Spirit 1,100 years ago to keep the world's balance, and if their tradition was lost, it would be catastrophic for all humanity.
#FourCorners Area Crucial
The Hopi prophecies warned that the white men or "#Pahana" would come to their land and try and lead them into evil ways. The Hopi were told that they must hold onto their tradition and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, their land would become a center from which Spirit would be reawakened, resonating throughout the world.
Frank Waters, author of "The Book of the Hopi," wrote in 1963 that "when the 'heart' of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth," and that what is dug up there (#uranium) would be used for destructive purposes. #ThomasBanyacya also wrote of the Four Corners area: "Great Spirit told Hopi [that Four Corners is] the backbone of the United States. Hopi must hold land till Human Beings live in harmony."
This sacred area is being strip-mined for #coal and uranium, reducing the water table and causing radioactive pollution. According to Quail Littlefield of "People Concerned with #MotherEarth," recent discoveries show that the Four Corners area is not only rich in coal and uranium, but is also a main source of positive and negative ions in the atmosphere. It is also said to be one of the few key focal centers in the world where the energy current must be kept in balance to maintain a life-giving biosphere. According to some Hopi Elders, if this center is disrupted, then the atmosphere will become unstable and all life will perish.
The Hopi and #Navajo (#Dine) have co-existed peacefully on these lands (Four Corners) for many generations. A "range war" was fabricated to allow the Bureau of Indian Affairs [#BIA], through the #HopiTribalCouncil, to grant exclusive #mining rights to #PeabodyCoal Company, which called for the eviction of Navajo elders to an area that is barren and 60 miles downstream from uranium-poisoned waters. Forcible removal of the Elders begins in February, 2000.
Hopi Elders Thomas Banyacya and Grandfather #DanEvehema, as well as many others, have opposed this forced relocation. People from not only the United States but all over the world have sent letters to Janet Reno, and other government officials to stop this eviction, which violates the American Indian Religious Freedom Act 17 and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act 18.