25 Edible Wild #Plants To #Forage For In Early Spring
Written by Author Elizabeth Waddington
Published on March 25, 2020 - Last Updated on March 3, 2021
"As the first signs of spring arrive, and winter fades into the rear view mirror, you will likely be busy planting many of the crops that will sustain you for the rest of the year.
"This time of year, after winter stores are almost depleted and before this year’s crops are ready, is traditionally known as the ‘hungry gap’.
"Foraging for edible wild plants, however, can help you fill that gap. Wild greens can be an important source of nutrients at this time of the year.
"In this article, we’ll take a look at 25 common edible wild plants that you can look for around this time.
"Many of them you might even find right there on your very own property. Of course, the plants you find will depend on exactly where you live. But you should find some edible wild plants wherever you may be.
Tips For Foraging
"Before we begin, here are a few tips to help you stay safe and forage #sustainably:
- Never eat anything that you cannot be 100% certain you have identified correctly.
- Think about potential contaminants. Don’t eat anything that may have been treated or from near sources of pollution. Try to find foods as far from human activity as possible when out and about in the countryside or the wilds.
- Check the rules on foraging where you live. (Rules and laws vary. Sometimes, foraging for personal use is permitted on public land, sometimes it is prohibited.)
- Always ask permission from the landowner before foraging on private land.
- If you are allowed to forage, never take more than you need. Wherever possible, leave root systems in place, taking only small, sustainable amounts so the plants can continue to grow. Try to only forage from abundant wild food sources.
- When you are out foraging, take care to respect and take care of the ecosystems you are passing through. Cause no damage, and leave no litter behind."
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#SolarPunkSunday #WildEdibles #Foraging #EdiblePlants