[Thread] 15 Calls to Action on #IndigenousPeoplesDay!
"In the United States, 21 states and Washington, D.C. now celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, or a holiday of a similar name, on the second Monday of October, as an official holiday or via proclamation. In 2021, #Biden issued the first-ever presidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples Day, however he did not replace Columbus Day.
"By commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day, we recognize #colonization persists today and perpetuates oppression and violence against #IndigenousPeoples as well as their #sovereignty and self-determination.
"Equally important is ending the celebration of Columbus Day, as a step towards disrupting these oppressive systems and shifts focus to recognizing, honoring, and celebrating Indigenous Peoples' knowledge, histories, cultures, traditions, and lands. It is an opportunity to learn about the Peoples whose land we occupy and now call home and to take action in supporting the rights and sovereignty of all Indigenous Peoples.
"We invite you to join a growing movement of people who take the second Monday of October to acknowledge historical and ongoing wrongs, learn about the Indigenous Peoples in your community, and celebrate beautiful cultures and traditions through dance, performances, food, music, film, and honor Indigenous Peoples by taking action!"
Read more:
2. Attend a local or virtual #IndigenousPeoplesDay event
"It's time to recognize that celebrating the life of Christopher Columbus also celebrates the erasure of Indigenous existence. While there is a growing movement around the country to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day, more work remains to be done. We are excited to share some local and national events celebrating Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Peoples Day.
Events in Massachusetts:
Compiled by Indigenous Peoples Day MA and Italian Americans for Indigenous Peoples Day.