TAKE ACTION! Information about viewing, screening and teaching #Dawnland!
"DAWNLAND’s impact team follows a model established by our organization, the #UpstanderProject. We use film, intensive teacher professional development, and interactive educator tools to help bystanders become 'upstanders.' #Upstanders are people who stand up and speak out against #injustice. Our strategy is to use post-film discussions to teach the history that has been intentionally disavowed by the dominant culture, and build awareness and develop understanding of #NativePeoples and the issues that are important to them. We are heartened to know that DAWNLAND is being used to create conversations in the formation processes of other #TruthAndReconciliation processes in others parts of the United States.
"We invite action at #screenings by modeling Indigenous land acknowledgements using words, posters, and plaques in the spirit of the #HonorNativeLand campaign. We also encourage going beyond land acknowledgments. Some ideas are offered here.
- Do your research to make meaningful Land Acknowledgements like this one.
- Listen, learn, unlearn, grow, act and ask local #NativePeople how you can be helpful.
- Speak up from the heart against offensive, condescending speech, writing, and behavior.
- Contest how public spaces are named, challenge popular narratives that erase Native peoples.
- Transform curricula, make it #interdisciplinary and place-based, use View from the Shore/View from the Boat, highlight #NativeVoices and authors, and support #NativeMakers like #UrbanNativeEra, #WabanakiMarketplace, #BYellowtail, #FromThePeople, #WeAreTheSeeds, #AbbeMuseum, and #WampanoagTradingPost. (Let us know who else to add to this list, please.)
- Ask who’s at the table, whose voices are heard, who makes decisions, who gets funded, whose issues are addressed.
Source and to learn more:
Teachers' Guide:
Dawnland - Purchase & Rental Options for Individuals (Non-Educational Use). Purchase on DVD or rent for 30 days.
Institutional Licenses for DVD, BluRay, Streaming (1-year and 3-year, Life of File), discounted Combo Packs. Public PERFORMANCE Rights (#PPR) INCLUDED with purchase.
#DawnlandMovie #WabanakiREACH #NativePride #WabanakiPublicHealth #TruthAndReconciliation #NICWA #TRHT #HonorNativeLand
#Maine #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #WabanakiConfederacy #FirstNations #WabanakiAlliance