#DakotaAccessPipeline Owner Slaps #WaterProtectors with New Subpoenas -- Third-party subpoenas allow #EnergyTransfer to obtain evidence, from individuals or organizations, who are not part of the lawsuit
Energy Transfer attempts to drag #Indigenous and #EnvironmentalJustice advocates into meritless lawsuit with third-party subpoenas
The operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer, is attempting to drag Indigenous and environmental justice advocates into this meritless lawsuit to stifle #dissenting voices.
By Greenpeace USA, via Censored News, November 27, 2023
WASHINGTON – "In response to recent third-party subpoenas issued by Energy Transfer, which target Indigenous and environmental justice advocates, Ebony Twilley Martin, Executive Director of #greenpeaceusa said: “The operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer, is attempting to drag Indigenous and environmental justice advocates into this meritless lawsuit to stifle dissenting voices.
"'For over six years, #Greenpeace USA has been fighting lawsuits brought by Energy Transfer over the Indigenous- led resistance movement at #StandingRock. This type of legal #bullying, known as #StrategicLawsuitsAgainstPublicParticipation, is part of the #corporate playbook to #silence and #intimidate #DissentingVoices who lack the financial means to fight these lawsuits.
"Energy Transfer is now attempting to expand this playbook by targeting Indigenous and environmental justice activists through the use of third-party subpoenas. Now is the moment for us all to come together to send a message to Energy Transfer, and other corporations considering this tactic, that we will not be silenced and we will not tolerate legal bullying.'
"'These legal actions are an insult to the many Indigenous water protectors who continue to lead the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline and the continual threats and degradation of their historic lands. These attacks are a threat to our First Amendment rights to speak out, a threat to #IndigenousRights, and a threat to the rights of #nature. We will not let this meritless lawsuit silence us and distract our movements from all our work to win a #green, #just, and joyful future for all.'
"Contact: Gujari Singh, Greenpeace USA Senior Communications Specialist, gsingh@greenpeace.org, (631) 404-9977
"Greenpeace USA is part of a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use #PeacefulProtest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace USA is committed to transforming the country’s unjust social, environmental, and economic systems from the ground up to address the climate crisis, advance racial justice, and build an economy that puts people first. Learn more at www.greenpeace.org/usa "