introduction because i saw someone else do one and i like talking about myself
name: zara
age: 13
pronouns: any
i am lesbian (I like people who look like what people call a woman. idgaf abt gender) and my gender is zara. no label also asexual aroflux (my aromanticism fluctuates!) :P
lgbtqia+ rights are human rights
atheist + anti-theist (anti organized religions)
me autistic and tourettes but who gaf
i wanna learn more about anarchy and i personally identify as an anarchist without adjectives. i think it’s important for anarchists to see the commonalities between each other, rather than the differences, and support the same cause by banding together.
have a nice day!!
“until we are all free, we are none of us free,” - emma lazarus, 1883.
hint: put a hastag in front of "introduction", many more people will see your post.
and also add hasthags of your interests at the end.
You'll get that!