I like the end of Pride "month."
It's like we finished a dinner party and the uninvited guests leave. We sweep up broken glasses and check what was stolen from our medicine cabinet.
We fold up the chairs of late-to-the-party corporate salesmen who donate to our opponents. We take down cringey ad posters, thought up by PR Gays to pay for their overpriced apartments to sell us. whatever.
We throw away wristbands for "inclusive" events that gouged at the door, where the only folks of color were behind the DJ booth and working security, giving nothing to mutual aids. No more small talk about LGBTQ shows with only light-skinned actors, no more humoring queerbaiting "ally" stunts or politicians who pulled up in rainbow cop cars.
We can stop talking shop on how to buy and sell Pride. We can get back to the good stuff: defending our rights and living our culture.
This cleanup, this cackling while washing wine glasses and rolling our eyes, this unpacking is our real Pride. Ours, year-long, life-long.
Now the real party begins.
- Leo Herrera