You may love the part that your preferred politician has been given to portray (Hurray for our side!!), & hate those other nasty evil people (Boo, Hiss, get off the stage!!) , but both sides are scripted, choreographed & voiced by the same actual evil people who really do want to destroy you.
One side is allowed to do overtly evil things when they are in power, the other has to pretend to be good, without undoing any of the previous evil acts of the other side (which they actually supported to pass).
This charade, pantomime, is supported by the press, who are also owned by the actually evil people behind the performance, to give you the impression of ongoing democracy, when in fact, it matters nought who you vote for, or don't vote for, the evil oligarchy will rule you in whatever way they choose as long as they exist.
Looks like I stepped on a couple of toes.
I have been saying this for years without getting any kick-back.
Something in the environment seems to have changed.
I am being currently challenged by an anarchist for having the audacity to post from an anarchist social club without being a true believer & accused of being an anarchist for saying "look around folks".
Interesting times. People read a lot into the medium in which you post, seems McLuhan was correct.