Reports are accumulating of progressive/liberal/moderate voices being repressed by the Zuckerberg entity: For example, by @kegill (toot and article ) and by @QasimRashid (toot and Substack article ).
It should be noted that the algorithmic repression of speech has long been chronic on Meta platforms for those with pro-Kurdish, pro-Palestinian, antifascist, anarchist and other liberatory outlooks. What is observed now is not a new policy, but rather the expansion of an existing one into the political center.
It would be clarifying to know if fascist and reactionary views are now being equivalently suppressed, or not; and, as others have pointed out, exactly what and what does not comprise "politics" to the data criminals at Meta. In any case, this development should to be food for thought for those previously unconcerned about the prospect of the Zuckerberg entity becoming the predominant influence on fediverse discourse