I don't believe the world will be okay, or that anything those of us on the ground are trying to do will make much of a difference. There are too many powerful and evil forces at work that cannot be convinced either through logic or resistance. That doesn't mean we should stop trying. We all should keep doing everything we can to do better. But meanwhile, I strongly believe we should spend our focus on gathering our chosen family, doing what we can to keep them and ourselves safe so that this life we have is not wasted. The universe is watching us. I don't want to go back there until I've done all I can for my people. So I will continue to learn, create, work, and share my stuff with people I love. I will continue to find new people to love. And I will keep seeing the beauty in the world around me even while bearing witness to the worst shit out there. I won't look away but I won't let it consume me.