Holy fuck this conversation between Shuli Branson and @VickyACAB is going to help so many people understand (and be safer in) this moment (in the broken US state and everywhere it touches (aka everywhere)). This is the most appalling and thrilling analysis. So it feels very true.
Listen to it all while you cook dinner for each other. "Be Bold. Be Brave. We got this"*
*Unless the techno- and/or christo-fascisms reorganize around Vance and learn to slow-roll the coup because that would be very very bad
TIL via @firestorm's alt text
"The title is displayed over a painting of a city in flames that first appeared as the cover of J. G. Ballard's sci-fi novel 'The Burning World.'"
@cthon1c @VickyACAB cant find the breakup theory on my usual podcasting app? weird
@Iguanadelmar I know, feels like all the electronica is breaking, i had to listen to it on the linked page