Last night Turning Point USA had an event planned at University of Washington. Antifascists showed up to disrupt the event by setting off the fire alarms right as the event started. Event goers had to evacuate the building twice, and one of their speakers, Olivia Krolczyk, was unable to give her speech lol.
@alissaazar wow what a huge auditorium and packed with 4 people.
@PetterOfCats and 20% of that crowd is fascist tabloid antifa paparazzi
@alissaazar This is the way.
@alissaazar let's go
@alissaazar we love to see it
"You can't yell Fire in a crowded.."
"Shut up and watch this!"
For the record, anyone quoting that "can't say Fire" line is repeating a lie made up to try and make anti-war protestors shut up over a hundred years ago
@alissaazar "This is the tolerant left you guys" good one, very original
@alissaazar Awh, poor fascists. No wait, what’s that other thing? Oh yeah, Yay!
@alissaazar This is how it's DONE! Not passively burning candles, just to the point direct action.
Note that with the country on the edge of civil war they were not stupid enough to ignore the fire alarm like the Minuteklan did at Georgetown University during the GW Bush years.
@alissaazar Hell, yeah! Fuck shit up, baby!!!