I never said that you said Marx wrote something. I was critical of something *you* said, and I framed my criticism from a Marxist perspective since you seemed to be promoting Marxist ideas generally elsewhere in that and other toots.
Perhaps you missed or misread my other toot explaining this:
Please stop spinning this around false accusations and bad assumptions.
This is the subject I challenged you on:
You said "The ethical problem of #capitalism or #communism isn't the "system", it's the corrupt people, the cheats, liars, the greenwashers, who are not interested in the common good."
I disagree with this. I think Marx disagreed as well, but that's really beside the point. I only mentioned Marx because you seemed to be a follower of his ideas (at least as presented by Richard Wolff). Marx is beside the point really.
My position is that the ethical problem *is* the system, *not* "the corrupt people, the cheats, liars, the greenwashers, who are not interested in the common good."
There will always be some problematic people, which is why we should not have any system or institution that empowers them. This is why all states are barriers to human liberation.