And again I say FOR FUCK'S SAKE
It's Ramadan, his wife is eight months pregnant, he has a green card.
The criminals in power in DC (and Trump is in fact a criminal) have no shame. The question is whether Columbia will stand up to Trump or whether the academics will cave in like Martin Heidegger and become Nazis because of the allure of power.
@Nochem Judging by the way a lot of the professors and the administration have behaved thus far, I don't have much hope of that. I don't know if you saw that tweet to Rubio from Davidai that I posted? I know he's a notorious drama queen when it comes to screaming antisemitism but it's pretty disgusting, nonetheless.
I don't see the tweet.
@Nochem If you give me a minute I'll see if I can find it. My notifications have been crazy for a couple of days though, so hang on!
Mr Davidai's willingness to align himself with the antisemites and gonifs now in power in US while on a Green Card endangers us. Send him back to Israel. American Jews have enough problems these days. We don't need Israelis coming here and harming our democracy.