Hi I'm 90s Script Kiddie, I grew up online. I do #devops and #automation code stuff for my job. My hobbies are #gamedev, #vintageelectronics, #gaming, #repair ing stuff to keep it out of the landfill, old #apple hardware, #linux admin (I run my own mail, web, media etc servers) #network admin especially #pfsense, I love #books, #anime, #manga - reading in general really. #music too! Jazz, alt-rock, pop, folk, chiptunes... I also enjoy #cooking and am trying to get better at it. Beliefs-wise I'm something of an anarchist, yearning for a #solarpunk future I'll probably never live in, but I do what I can to do #mutualaid for the people in my circle. If you're my friend, I will set up all your electronics for you, replace the battery in your phone, give you some free mail or web hosting... whatever! I try to limit my consumption of news media for my own sanity, but I love reading about what people are doing in their own words. That's why I love the Fediverse, and it's why I'm lurking around on #gopher
I don't have a lot of friends. I've always been kind of a loner, and a little awkward. Luckily, I love my own company and have no problem spending time alone. Those few in my circle are people who I think make the world better by being in it.
I'm a #queer #bi #enby and I don't really give a hoot about what pronouns you use for me. Actually, I sort of feel like however you labeled me I'd want to break out of that box somehow. I guess I'm pretty contrary.
New #introduction who dis.
@90sScriptKiddiw You're very brave stating that you're a script kiddie and put it in your nick name. I'm from that very same era and, as you know for sure, the script kiddies were not welcome in some computer circles It's always a pleasure to have people of that time, even if they're script kiddies (justo kidding, no pun intended). Welcome aboard!
@lfa A lot of what I've learned, I learned from modifying other people's code, there's no shame in it! Nobody really starts from scratch anyway. Everybody stands on someone else's shoulders in computing.
@90sScriptKiddiw Modifying other people's code was not seen, at least not on my circles, as a script kiddie. A script kiddie, in my circles, was someone who only used other people's software to do stupid things and bragging about being l33t.
And yes, we all learned from other people by reading books and zines, modifying code, and listening to the older guys.
@lfa Yeah, I guess I just see that kind of script kiddie thing as a stepping stone to greater knowledge, you know? I mean, yeah, I ran winnuke to boot someone I didn't like offline, and I had no idea how it worked till a lot later. But, script kiddies can learn too! Everyone's on their own journey. I never got a computer science degree, but I can architect a database or an object model or a bunch of microservices with the best of 'em. I just didn't do it the same way most people did. I wasn't a genius bedroom coder that went on to get a computer science degree and work at a megacorp. I modded games, wrote little chatbots, followed a lot of guides and instructions written by smarter people, made webpages - eventually got my first coding job at a startup with no experience by passing a code test, learned SO MUCH from my seniors who very kindly told me so many ways to improve on the less optimal habits I'd picked up teaching myself, and I'm still learning and improving to this day. I guess, I just like to align myself with the folks people think can't make a contribution. The folks people malign or forget. The great thing about computers is they don't care who you are or where you came from. They just run code, and anyone who wants to can learn how to do it!
Sorry for the little wall of text - I guess all my name means is... I wasn't that good at computers back in the day, but look at me now!
@90sScriptKiddiw As things can sometimes be misinterpreted in writing, I want to make it clear that it was never my intention to disrespect you, quite the opposite, in fact. If you felt that way, I truly apologize. Don't apologize for the wall of text, I'm an avid reader
@90sScriptKiddiw Not being good at one point and then improve is the way, I did it too. I started from a ZX Spectrum and BASIC, and then I developed a career as a dev and sysops. I didn't have a degree until some years ago that i pursued it for the sake of it. IMHO The importance of the degree is overrated.
@lfa Oh no I didn't feel the least bit disrespected, I just wanted to make sure you had all the details. Just how I do.