OutOfExile_IDR § Voice ®™️<p>Ivory Tower Profiles - Community Engagement and Conversations:</p><p>I just happened across an interesting post. It seems to be from one of those type of accounts that many complain about. I’m just the messenger delivering the opinions that I have gathered in countless conversations on the subject but, I’m guessing I still may get flack. This is not a complaint about this person, follow backs, or follower count, only what I have heard others talking about.</p><p>This person, a journalist, is asking for help getting twitter followers to follow here. The profile already has 106k followers but, only follows 246. I did the math. That's just under .25 %, less than 1 (one) % of their following. One of the bio tags on this persons profile is writing about “internet culture”. I can’t help but wonder how this person can accurately report on a culture they do not seem to engage with 99.75% of it’s members. </p><p>As one said, in one of many discussions, it seems arrogant to not hear the voice and opinion of those that follow you. Many I’ve heard tend to agree and again, I’m just the messenger. </p><p>The most recent posts from this profile seem to be only about this person and twitter. I can't find an introduction or a “Hello Fediverse, just concern for follower acquisition and self.</p><p>Even an article on why their Twitter account was suspended. No engagement or conversation with the nearly 19,746 followers this user is reqesting assistance from, to collect more followers here.</p><p>When I want the news, I turn it on and can’t recall Lloyd Robertson or Katie Couric seeking out my attention or assistance. Today, they would probably be focused on gun violence or the plight of Ukraine, rather than the potential of lost adoration.</p><p>Two days ago was another such thread refering to another such “user". The subject account had 20k followers and only one toot was ever posted. This “user" follows zero of their 20k followers (That’s 0%). Many conversations, and several opinions cite how some big accounts arrogantly expect people to flock but, never engage or acknowledge with those that follow. </p><p>Another post several weeks ago was actually directed at another journalist, scathing them for the same lack of engagement. I understand the busyness of facing a deadline but, engaging a few is not that hard. Take a scroll down your follwers list on a Sunday morning and favor, boost or DM "hello" to a few. Its really not that time consuming and the people you get to know, are often amazing.</p><p>Me? I follow and reach out. If they follow great, if not, I don't really care. I'm about quality, not quantification. If I find those I follow seem self absorbed or clog up my feed with irrelevance, I mute or unfollow the source.</p><p>The common theme echoing is this: Mastodon is not a corporation but, is our community. To be part of any community one generally first must engage. Those who do not, are often viewed as outsiders with no regard for it’s members. Think of it like this: You patronize a shop regularly and the merchant gladly accepts your money. When you see this person on the street, they do not even nod politely, seeming only to avoid you; would you still shop at that persons business?</p><p>What’s your opinion on this? I’d like to know, as long as you remember, don’t shoot the messenger. The concern of many is that ivory tower users like this, will turn our community into Twitter 2.hole. A people driven algorithm of elitist exclusion. Again, we are not a target market, we are community of persons.</p><p>[After finishing this, I looked at the profile of the individual with the 20k to zero following. I noticed 3k more followers but, now the person follows two. One of the followed is the other profile with 106k noted above.]</p><p>"Engaging handshake" Artwork below by John Hain: </p><p>Buy him a cup? <br /><a href="https://pixabay.com/images/id-1000062/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" translate="no"><span class="invisible">https://</span><span class="">pixabay.com/images/id-1000062/</span><span class="invisible"></span></a></p><p>Don't forget the ALT text.</p><p><a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/community" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>community</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/engagement" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>engagement</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/interaction" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>interaction</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/involvement" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>involvement</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/gratitude" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>gratitude</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/GivingBack" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>GivingBack</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/followers" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>followers</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/following" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>following</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/mastodon" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>mastodon</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/birdsite" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>birdsite</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/exclusion" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>exclusion</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/aloof" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>aloof</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/elite" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>elite</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/IvoryTower" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>IvoryTower</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/outsider" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>outsider</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/opinions" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>opinions</span></a> <a href="https://kolektiva.social/tags/twitter" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>twitter</span></a></p>