
We are really excited for the release of “I am Maroon: The True Story of an American Political Prisoner.” We are excited because we see its trajectory of strategy, political education, and activation. The story of how our events grew to what they are today, starts with the 2020 event we did for Maroon.

Maroon inspired a nearly 200% increase in participation, and 633% increase in funds raised, which would forever change the way we organize this event. The mic was saturated with Philly organizers and former prisoners, sharing stories of how Maroon empowered their lives. The lasting impact from this particular RDTW continues to inspire us as organizers, and continues to inspire those participating. And this is just one, relatively small mark of his influence. It’s a pencil dot compared what Maroon achieved throughout his lifetime.

His last book titled “Maroon the Implacable” sparked so much interest to readers inside prison, we had to keep mailing them in! 😎 It’s the only book that we’ve observed such a repeatable, predictably high demand for more―a chain reaction we’ve seen time and time again.

When speaking of “strategy” as it relates to Maroon, consider that he escaped from prison twice, and his success in outsmarting a massive manhunt―and their search dogs―for 27 days! As impressive as that is, it hardly scratches the art of what’s possible from his strategy.

The impact of Maroon’s life is impossible to measure. No unit of measurement could capture the activation that he’s inspired in all of us. Likewise, it’s impossible to measure the impact of his legacy, but we’re watching it unfold and truly excited to see where it takes us!

Join us for the book release event on September 22nd at One Art Community Center, which is also the annual Maroon Memorial Prisoners’ Families Brunch!

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And join us for another Running Down The Walls to which we can thank Maroon for making us capable of raising tens of thousands to provide mutual aid to Palestinians and political prisoners.

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