
Repost from @sfl_arc

Biden-Harris Administration Demands Prison Time for Three Pro-Choice Activists in Florida

“It’s hard to say which is worse” Federal Judge Equates Pro-Choice Graffiti to Arson of an Abortion Clinic During Sentencing of Pro-Choice Activists

Caleb Freestone has been sentenced to one year in prison. Amber Smith-Stuart and Annarella Rivera have been sentenced to 30 days in prison. Judge Covington and the prosecution agreed that graffiti on “fake clinics” demands a more serious sentence than cases of actual violence against actual abortion clinics and their staff & patients.

Community activists successfully negotiated a plea bargain that drops FACE Act charges, blocking federal precedent defining “fake clinics” as reproductive healthcare facilities. These so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” are known for coercive and pseudoscientific advice disguised as medical advice.

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