the issue is,
if survival is complicit
possibility of life is dependent on the possibility of creating a more radical form of revolutionary violence than suicide. This doesn't necessarily mean "violence" as newspapers understand it. Violence takes place between consciousnesses, there is no violence in a bdsm dungeon nor in euthanasia in ideal conditions. A metal bank bench built to repel homeless is violent without leaving any marks on any body (literally. let's say it leads to someone dying from frost bite, absence of bank bench would literally make no difference. Bank bench is violent in the fact that it is there and it does nothing. you can't visibly see the violence. you can't see any violence. What you see is the results of violence (a bank bench and a corpse next ro one another. or a black eye), which you seeing is the violence itself. What you see is never almost the violence.
A black eye is violence insofar it is meant to be seen (by owner of the eye or someone else), and intention is invisible by definition.) We need ever more extreme forms of violence, understood in this sense. Survival is complicity and only way out is externalized violence.
so, what does this concretely mean? i mean, many things. Scare the motherfuckers for sport, for one thing. it is good for depression
secondly, no quarter.
thirdly, images we stigmatize because we associate with violence are in themselves often innocent and can be appropriated. we should not be afraid of images. violence lies behind them. we should take the war behind the images, construct situations.
fourthly, any and all images and everything can be and will be violent when it comes to it. no trust in any "safe" notions.