
Today on the subway, officers responded to someone not paying their $2.90 fare, by carrying out a mass shooting.

Police opened fire, and in the process, shot 3 subway riders and even one of their fellow police officers.

Both the person targeted by police for non-payment and one of the passengers struck in the line of police fire, a 49 year-old man, are in "critical condition," reports the New York Daily News.

"...[T]he 49-year-old man was shot in the head and a 26-year-old woman was grazed in the buttocks by a bullet....Sunday’s shooting marked the second time in less than 48 hours that NYPD officers fatally shot a suspect..."

These killings are taking place amidst a growing corruption scandal within elite New York political circles, which has already led to the Police Commissioner, Edward Caban to step down, among several others.

In early summer, as the @theintercept reported, former police officer and Mayor Eric Adams announced that he would "spend at least $225 million on a new police training facility in the borough of Queens. The mayor’s decision to pour further public funding into policing comes as he slashed services to the city’s most vulnerable, including cutting library budgets by $58.3 million."

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