
"For ableism and capitalism, disabled bodies are broken machines, handicapped, buildings in ruins or built on swampy ground, seen as if they were constantly swaying. Bodies that have stretched the norms so much, that they are assumed to be undesirable, to be aberrations. The only way to inhabit them is by modifying them, subjecting them to "re-conversion therapies" that deny the disabled their identity.

Crippled bodies are frightening, because they incorporate fragility, interdependence and vulnerability. They place a mirror in front of the non-disabled people and completely question all the ideals of capital structure. The strength, independence and bravery that this system tries to sell turns into a fallacy
in bodies, made of pure fragility.

However, capitalism has to survive and perpetuate itself, that's why it turns us all into machines, while the disabled in particular are seen as unproductive machines, artifacts, in need of fixing, in order to even be allowed to exist. The disabled reality only possible within the logic of the cure and of normalization in order to comply with capitalist order." ~ Itxi Guerra in Madeja - Revista Feminista

[on page 65:]

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