
Here at the Anarchist Black Cross Portland’s Running Down the Walls 5k where Eric King is reading a statement from our beloved Alissa. The statement is as follows:

“i am a descendent of generations of arab women who have sacrificed their lives for the resistance and to provide a better life for their children. i am a descendent of generations of antifascists who sacrificed their lives to protect their community. this is the foundation of my resilience, of my resistance, of my commitment to my community. we must all reclaim the power of resilience of our ancestors. it’s harrowing to witness the way in which fascism is rising globally right now. in fact, there’s nothing that keeps me awake at night the way the thought of that does. but while that’s happening, we’re also experiencing a global resistance. people are rising up against fascism, white supremacy, and all systems of domination, and the ways they collude and build upon one another in service of the ruling class. those who attended my trial witnessed me explain and defend my unwavering antifascist ideology and political beliefs for close to four hours. it wasn’t about what happened that day, so much as it was about who i am and what i stand for. i don’t think anyone hearing this needs a reminder of not only what the state is wiling to do to us, but actively seeking reasons to. what the state doesn’t understand is that political prosecutions don’t quell decent, but rather it ignites the rage that sparks from the deepest embers of our soul. as i have come to rely on my friends, family, and community more and more recently, i am reminded that just as much as we need to burn the system down, we must also build each other up, for we have nothing if not each other. i love you and i will see you soon.”

Remember you can support Alissa on the inside and after her release by donating to @/pdxsfund on Venmo, the donor box fundraiser listed in her linktree, or purchasing a Tshirt from and!

Love and solidarity,
Friends of Alissa ❤️🖤

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