
As many of you have noticed, being an "antifascist" means you are federally classified as an "anarchist violent extremist" under domestic terrorism laws.

Since your own government has labeled dissent as terrorism, and you a terrorist, it might be time to start preparing for "when it happens here."

What does this mean?

Well, terrorist is a scary word, right? It's a charged word, and that's important. They call people scary words to justify sending their militaries to kill them. They just so conveniently happen to be super funding their domestic militaries as they do this.

We shouldn't fall into false comfort that, because they aren't busting in doors left and right, that they don't absolutely mean what they say, or that they would never do that here. They already do - in targeted communities, SWAT, Parole, ICE, DEA, ATF. Why not you?

You are criminalized, and you need to be planning accordingly.

You need to begin thinking like a criminal and building sympathy for other criminals it you're going to survive the coming decade. Criminalization causes diaspora, forced migration, incarceration, displacement, dehumanization, death.

You should be taking these things with utter seriousness and understand that just because our government is inefficient in helping us doesn't mean it's inefficient. It's two most efficient outputs is violence and death, and they will absolutely come for you before the ink dries from their pen.

Plan accordingly, plan locally, and plan secretly. We are not clandestine because the cloak and dagger is cute and attractive - there are tools for self defense targeted people have used to protect themselves from the government for hundreds of years. Learn them and use them. Think like a criminal.

Do not think because you washed your hands and wiped your ass and showed up to work on time that you're magically safe. In fact, repression normally begins at the soft targets and works its way up to the harder to reach fruit, so you may be shit outta luck on two counts for keeping your hands clean.

Be smart. Be safe. Be dangerous, and plan accordingly.

Check out our linktree for the community antifascist guide and learn about affinity groups, doxxcare and security culture. Safety starts with you. Fight with the tools that work and protect each other.