So, I think that for this week's #SolarPunkSunday, I'll be focusing on #RepairCafes, #RightToRepair and #DIY stuff, and will touch upon a few other #Solarpunk topics. I hope folks will join myself and others, while we share ideas and resources!
#Rewilding #RewildingWins #Gardening #Permaculture #sustainability #Degrowth #Anticapitalism #FixIt #BuyLess
Well then, 'tis the #SeedSwap season! So I'll be highlighting those resources as well on #SolarPunkSunday !
#Gardening #Permaculture #sustainability #Degrowth #GrowYourOwn #SeedSwapping #Anticapitalism #FoodSecurity #BuyLess #BuildingCommunity
idk if you’ve mentioned it or plan to,
is pretty cool. How to’s and step by step instructions how to fix electronics (especially phones). One of my favorite things I’ve ran across on the internet recently.
@littleteeth I think I've seen/posted about this before, but thanks for the reminder. I just came across an old VCR that needs the belt replaced or tightened, so I'll be seeing if anyone (or iFixit) has a solution!